FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:                                                    






 June 25, 2018 – Association Laboratory has once again released its annual association environmental scanning paper, “Looking Forward 2018,” a collaborative research effort conducted with leaders of the association management profession.

Looking Forward 2018 is the nation’s longest running and most comprehensive environmental scan of the association strategy environment. This year, more than 300 association trade and professional association CEO’s and senior staff assessed fifty-two different factors impacting association members and fifty-one different implications on association strategy.  Combining this year’s research with eight years of bench marking data makes this year’s paper the most relevant research publications in the industry.

“Looking Forward 2018 Association Industry Business Environment and Strategy Scan” is available as a stand-alone document, but to further expand the impact and usefulness, Association Laboratory has created the Looking Forward 2018 Futures Discussion Packet.  This full packet of information allows association leaders not only access to the report, but the tools to implement the research with your own board.  Looking Forward 2018 Futures Discussion Packet includes:

 ♦   “Looking Forward 2018 Association Industry Business Environment and Strategy Scan”. Understand what impacts every association Twenty-nine pages of comprehensive data and analysis for you to understand what impacts associations.

♦     Looking Forward Data Presentation TemplateA customizable PowerPoint to help you lead an effective futures discussion with staff and leadership

♦    Webinar Recording of “How to Lead the Dialog about the Future of your Association” –Understand fresh perspectives on challenges facing associations from Dean West, FASAE Founder and President of Association Laboratory, Inc.

♦     Looking Forward Discussion Guide Moderate and lead productive discussions about your association’s future along-side staff and volunteer leaders with this twelve-page guide.

Both Looking Forward 2018 products are available by clicking the button at the bottom of the page.  Association Laboratory Clients please send an email to [email protected] to receive a discount code.

FUTURE EVENTS AND WEBINARS:   Look for your future opportunity to join Association Laboratory’s Content Strategy Summit this October when association executives and decision makers gather to discuss and search for solutions to issues facing the association industry today.  Also coming in September is Association Laboratory’s “Webinar Wednesday”, a monthly webinar where presenters will discuss and review individual issues, solutions and applicable research in today’s business environment.

Association Laboratory helps association leaders make better strategic business decisions through collaborative engagements led by experience association and business executives and informed by state of the art research.

For more information, visit www.associationlaboratory.com

or Andy Long at [email protected]

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